Friday, May 19, 2006

Renal Disorder Among Young Children

The most common urinary problem among young children is urinary tract infection. About 80percent of such problems are caused by E.coli. Childen with urinary tract infection may have underlying structural abnormalities, such as vesico-uteric reflux. This may damagethe kidney if not treated properly.

Signs of this infection among young children include high fever, irritable behaviour, lossof appetite, nausea, vomiting abd jaundice and their urine may also be smelly. Olderchildren might complain of pain when urinating. They might also wet in their beds.
Children suffering from urinary tract infections should drink more water and urinate regularly.Doctors will probably prescribe antibiotics to treat this problem.Ultrasound scans and bladder-imaging can help detect structural abnormalities, which mayneed surgery to correct.
Bed-wetting is often the result of immature bladder control. Children over five yearsold who urinate in their sleep more than three times a month probably suffer from nocturnal enuresis which affects their self-confidence. parental support and behaviouraltheraphy can help them overcome this problem.

To prevent bed wetting, children should have their last drink of water two hours before bedtime and visit the toilet before tucking in. Parents should praise them for dry nights.For persistent problems, a bed-wetting alarm device and prescription may help.

Extract from the health feature by University of Hong Kong

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