Monday, June 19, 2006

First Study on Novel Treatment for Snoring

Snoring refers to rough noisy breathing during sleep, which is usually cuased by the vibration of the uvula and soft palate. About 24 to 50 percent of men na d 14 to 30 percent of women suffer from disturbing snoring.

Researches from the Division of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Department of Sugery Facultyof Medicine, the University of Hong Kong have conducted the world's first study on a novel treatment in managing disturbing snoring. They tackled soft tissue vibration caused by airflow turbulence in the snorer's airway by inserting three snippets of polyester braid into the mouths of 12 patients. This has the effect of stiffening the soft palate and dampening its movement as a result of resonance and reduce the snoring sound. The whole process last only around 15 minutes and is found to be an effective and safe treatment for snoring.

Significant improvements were found in patients including the spouses' ratings of the the loudness ofsnoring. The scoring of snoring loudness decreased from a mean of 79 out of 100 before the procedure, to 48 at threemonths afterwards.

Extract from the Health feature by University of Hong Kong

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